Prestashop Addons
CNTG 2B - Pulse count 2 digits of 50 cm. height View larger

CNTG 2B - Pulse Count 2 digits of 18 cm. Height


CNTG 2B - Pulse count 2 digits of 50 cm. height

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LED display pulse counter, consisting of two digits of 50 cm. diodes made with high bright LEDs in red. The screen has external connection for reception of up to 999 pulses for controlling steps. Possibility of realization with ascending or descending account. Contador did not continue falling edge of the pulse, with a minimum time between pulses of 1 ms and the input voltage of 5 V. same maximum. Power supply to 220 V.A.C. included within the screen. Digits diodes formed by bright LEDs in red.